Rights of Free Citizens

Liberty Herald
5 min readJan 30, 2022

How well do you know your basic rights before the law as a citizen? During the ‘great covid hysteria’ the fear filled masses have allowed their rights and freedoms to be removed in exchange for ‘the feeling’ that makes them safe.

Mandates purportedly put in place to prevent transmission and spread of coronavirus have done no such thing, yet these autocratic mandates still remain, businesses are being ruined and people are losing their employment. And the amount of coercion to fall into line with all this means most people find it easier to surrender than resist.

However as covered in Hope for the future it’s not all bad, good things are happening, and one is the growing opposition to coronavirus mandates, and each of us plays a part in this by what we choose to say and do. The peoples resistance is building momentum, particularly in the area of push-back against universal vaccine mandates.

For those unfamiliar with the Freedom Project, we are not against vaccines, we value and use them one as of many important tools in the perennial human battle against disease. What we are against is mandates, coercion, force, and government overreach and intrusion into our lives. We promote personal responsibility; that in an emergency the majority of people when presented with facts can trusted to act as necessary, even if it’s only instinct for self-preservation. Something that genuinely benefits people will be embraced by people, it doesn’t need mandated.

With rights comes responsibility, responsibility to act in a balanced, just and humane manner. To treat others as we ourselves wish to be treated.

The aforementioned mounting resistance to coronavirus mandates is primarily confined to Australia at present. Unfortunately Mordor (NZ) is still ruled by the dark queen. Australia fortunately still has wide diversity between its States, and an anomaly from its colonial past means it has a hodgepodge variety of parliaments, which results in comparison and competition. Plus Australia is blessed with a range of vocal and courageous freedom advocates.

Sadly for New Zealand it’s caught in a transmogrified political system. Firstly, its constricted by a unicameral parliament, meaning a lack of crucial scrutiny of proposed legislation, (thus little strike down of bad legislation) and secondly, it has the ludicrous MMP voting system that enables a candidate on a minority vote to bypass a candidate chosen by the majority of voters, and make it into parliament! Combined with that, it has one of the most docile populaces in the world. So when dear leader Comrade Jacinta says jump, all hands rise simultaneously to ask, how high miss?

It is concerning is how quickly and easily the masses submitted to the removal of their liberties even when the reason for doing so was dubious and highly questionable at best. Only a ‘health’ directive authorised by enactment is valid, and it must be consistent with all other relevant and applicable laws. Where no evidence is provided, or none is available, to justify a directive given, the directive must come under intense question as to its validity.

An investigation must be held into the mandates imposed, and answers need to be given about such things as; confining non-infected and healthy people to their homes (effectively house arrest) and preventing them from deriving the health benefits of exercise and social interaction, mandatory masks in settings that are not high-risk especially outdoors, universal vaccine mandates placed upon people not only least at risk but not working in high risk environments, and why vaccine passes are still being forced upon us when vaccination does not prevent contraction, transmission, hospitalisation or death from coronavirus.

Our inheritance of English common law is very rich, because unlike Europe with its procedure law, we have precedent law, where we can establish a right today based upon rights past. And it’s vital we assert and contend for these rights. Yet most people today have little or no idea of their rights and responsibilities before the law.

This is unfortunate, as the people are crucial to the functions of our common law system, and can exercise enormous influence in both the parliamentary and judicial spheres. For example, the jury system is one of the most potent areas where we ordinary citizens can exercise our full influence, but most people see jury duty as an inconvenience (and sometimes it is) so they seek to get out of it, thus robbing the system of a vital check and balance on court processes, fair trial for all, and government overreach. Yet one juror, just one, can ensure injustice is blocked, and justice is upheld.

The Australian constitution provides broad freedoms for its people, yet most people know nothing about it, and a worryingly large number don’t even know Australia has one! Consequently most people are unaware of the rights and responsibilities they bear as a citizen. Partly this is by design, as those in control wish to keep concealed from the people the extent of the power they can exercise, as this helps to make people feel power-less, and thus much less likely (if at all) to challenge directives from bureaucrats, basically because they don’t know they can.

However all is not lost! Resistance is occurring, (but the lying ‘news’ media suppresses this by mostly ignoring it) There are many people and organisations now calling for a restoration of our pre-coronavirus liberty, others are seeking to educate people on their rights before the law, and now there are brave lawyers stepping into the fray.

If you have lost your job, or are about to, owing to a mandate / public ‘health’ directive, click here for, How to push back to keep your job for important information.* Disclaimer; this link is only provided as information, it is up to every person to seek relevant professional advice appropriate to their situation before embarking on any course of action.

There is no guarantee of success, but there is a huge chance that if enough people exercise their rights, mass resistance will force an end to unjust mandates, which can only be for the good and betterment of society.

We who love freedom must unite, resist injustice and tyranny, and insist on the return of liberties stolen, because we will only get our freedoms back when we demand them back. Freedoms to Insist upon Today

Now is the time for people of faith and principle to be salt and light, and stand for truth and justice.

click here for, Other News and Information sources

*Footnote: Apologies to New Zealand readers unfortunately this does not apply to you, but you’re included so you can spread the word over there about what’s happening here, and it may inspire someone there to follow suit.


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“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty” Eureka Stockade 1854

