Lies, Covid and Oppression

Liberty Herald
6 min readDec 31, 2021

In many past articles we’ve written about the vital importance of being alert and standing for the freedoms we’ve, for too long, taken for granted. Warning that if people don’t wake up, and stand united for basic liberties they will be lost, and quickly. Which means an end to the life enjoyed today (Writing prior to March 2020)

What wasn’t expected is how soon we’d find ourselves in a situation where the life we knew dissolved like an early morning mist, as basic freedoms were swept away, all removed under the guise of ‘public health emergency’. And on top of that, that a significant proportion of the general public, the unvaccinated, would be dehumanised and demonised by the media system, bureaucrats and politicians.

Yes the coronavirus threat had to be dealt with by health authorities, but the reality is that it’s primarily the elderly, the ill, and the obese who are at risk from death caused by coronavirus (well over 90% of healthy people fully recover) But how often do you hear the mainstream media report that? Never.

Simply put, the mainstream media is a lie machine, a tool of the State, deceiving the majority.

There are just too many lies to cover here, but good example is that at least 100,000 people marched in Melbourne recently, possibly a lot more, protesting the governments totalitarian new pandemic laws, but mainstream media outlets reported the rally as between 5,000 to 10,000!

The media system is spoon-feeding the masses a false narrative, mixed with a little truth now and then to make their lies plausible, and blinding people to reality. The system keeps keeping people filled with fear, because fearful people are easily led and controlled.

Consequently the majority do not see that global oligarchies, secretive orders of the wealthy and influential, giant corporations with more clout and finances than some countries, and immensely powerful bankers and financiers, are all working together for total world domination, the complete enslavement of once free people, and the ruthless elimination of any who stand in their way. This is not new, for millennia despots have sought to control the people.

So much of what we’re seeing today, is chillingly reminiscent of the despotic National Socialist movement, which in the 1930’s seized control of a free prosperous socially and economically advanced west European nation and destroyed it. It is of note that first they de-legitimised certain people groups and excluded them from society, then they labelled them, and then rounded them up and interned them in prison camps, euphemistically named labour camps. All culminating in the slaughter of millions upon millions of people.

To the simpletons who exclaim, conspiracy theory! We say, keep them to yourself, they’re the stuff of Hollywood film fiction designed to blind people from seeing actual events. Here at the freedom project we don’t hold with conspiracy and prefer to see and address reality.

Currently something very sinister, very dark, is happening in Australia. The author no longer recognises this country, which once looked out for the vulnerable and disadvantaged. As if the police brutality perpetrated in the Communist state of Victoria weren’t evil enough, here in the increasingly socialist State of Queensland, the government’s 15-Dec-21 public health order vaccination mandate is an abuse of personal autonomy, and gross government overreach. The order means that those covered by the mandate who don’t submit, lose job and income. Penalties for any breach of the mandate are a crippling fine or 6 months imprisonment!

Here it is pointed out, the author is not against vaccines per se, as having travelled a lot we’ve had many. But we do have serious concerns about a ‘vaccine’ that doesn’t prevent you from getting disease, as other vaccines do, has not been proven to be safe, and has a large and growing volume of reported adverse effects. However what freedom project is totally against is vaccine mandates, people being forced by government to undergo any medical procedure. Personal autonomy is foundational to liberty, if you cede it in one area, they’ll come for another.

Whilst the covid vaccine minimises chances of severe illness, hospitalisation, and death, and it’s important for hospital and aged care workers be immunised, to apply vaccine mandates to office workers and fruit pickers is gross intrusion by government.

What makes the mandate even more outrageous is that double vaccinated people can still catch and transmit covid, be hospitalised, and even die from covid (though isn’t a vaccination supposed to prevent you getting and/or dying of the disease you’re inoculated against?!) So they still require a PCR test to prove they are covid negative. Then whilst awaiting test results they’re still required to self-isolate. It makes a mockery of the alleged necessity to be vaccinated for protection.

Consequently, thousands of vaccinated people are still locked out of Queensland by Comrade Anastasia, (until border re-opening scheduled for 17-Dec-21) Families are separated by the Iron curtains of State borders, and whilst health bureaucrats allow film stars footballers and their girlfriends to enter the State, the same bureaucrats cruelly prevent the entry of people desiring to come and say goodbye to dying family members.

Across to another topic, did you know Australia has internment camps? They’re blandly named ‘quarantine facilities’. Howard Springs NT is operational, Mickleham is being built in Victoria, and Wellcamp is currently being constructed near Toowoomba Qld.

New Zealanders reading this don’t feel smug. NZ is reported to be quietly building its own ‘quarantine facilities’. PM Ardern has said, quote, “she wants to hunt down the unvaccinated”, and also allegedly said, she wants them rounded up by military trucks and taken to holding camps. Words aren’t enough to express how appalling.

Watch this disturbing video about an Australian ‘camp’, and see what you think. Yes the young woman featured told a fib, she admits this, but it does not justify any of what happened next. And it’s hoped someone is able to confirm this story is not true. Warning, do not click this link if you’re of a nervous disposition! Australian prison camp and huge fines?

This is a broadcast that occurred in Queensland, we actually saw it on telly, it is chilling The unvaccinated demonised and threatened by so called top doc (this person isn’t actually the nations top Doc by the way)

Note: the author is not endorsing the site referenced or all its content. (However if even just half of its content is true, then we are in a very dangerous situation) And there are hundreds more websites filled with articles and videos all declaring similar.

Nor is any of this is telling you what to think, it’s asking that you think.

When our nations already slaughter the innocents (abortion) and execute the elderly (euthanasia) and astonishingly under Comrade Ardern NZ Doctors are to be paid around $1,000 per execution, where are our nations are headed?

Furthermore we are not saying that Australia and NZ will fall into tyranny. However like an increasing number of people we are disturbed at how quickly oppression has arisen, in our once free nations. There are too many would-be-dictators in the bureaucracy, that collection of sub-government departments that actually run the nation, departments government ministers are supposed to be in charge of but often aren’t.

It isn’t an overstatement to say evil hordes have been unleashed on the earth, they are raging against humanity, and Christendom in particular. Unfortunately our nations are sleep walking toward something very dark, and if enough people don’t wake up, and speak up for truth and justice, it could be a tyranny that makes Ceausescu’s Roumania, Mao’s China, and Nazi Germany (the list goes on) pale into insignificance.

All people who love freedom must unite, resist injustice and tyranny, and claim back our liberty, because we will only get our freedoms back when we demand them back. click here for, Freedoms to insist on today

More than ever before this age requires those who will be salt and light in a dark world. Pray for every organisation and politician who does stand for liberty truth and justice.

click here for, Hope for the future


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“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty” Eureka Stockade 1854

