Seeing good, Choosing liberty

Liberty Herald
5 min readApr 13, 2022

It’s strange but true that humanity is notoriously bad at learning from past events. Most people usually don’t understand how good something is until they’ve lost it. This is why, as regular readers are familiar with, we constantly repeat the importance of defending hard-won freedoms. And so as always we reject conspiracy theory, confront reality, and declare truth.

May we never forget that it is only through the efforts, dedication, and sacrifices made by those in the past that we have the liberty we enjoy today. From just the violent and tumultuous 20th century alone the blood of millions cries from a multitude of battlefields.

Yet alarmingly few people now seem to value or cherish the freedoms they take for granted. Incredibly your author gets attacked for holding a liberty stance, for affirming that personal freedom is foundational to a healthy functioning society. Most astonishingly we get cancelled by church going so-called Christians. Some of them say “earthly freedom is not important for a believer”. Others claim “you’re selfish and not thinking of others if you don’t submit to oppressive mandates”. Our response is are you for real?

However according to a collection of books, rarely read by many church goers now, the reality is quite different. Throughout the Bible, notably the OT, deliverance, ‘setting free’, and liberation for Gods people are constant themes. And the NT emphasises the freedom a believer in Jesus Christ gains. Writing powerfully to the Galatians Paul says, “for freedom Christ has set us free, stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery”. If that’s not a statement of why freedom is important then we are at a loss to know what is.

Yes the verse referenced is in regards to the law, however it is upon such principles of freedom that liberty in the West was built. Post reformation Europe threw off the shackles of autocratic monarchy and instead embraced the rights of the people. From Biblical teachings the philosophy of the innate freedoms of man as given by his Creator arose, and from that modern democracy developed.

Curiously even those who claim “freedom isn’t important for the believer” still remain happy to enjoy the freedoms democracy affords them! (Furthermore, that some people use freedom to sin, is not an argument against freedom, but that’s another topic).

This belief in the essentiality of personal liberty led to slavery being abolished across majority Christian nations in the 19th century, whereas in most majority Muslim nations slavery continues to this day. This is why beliefs about liberty matter so much.

Yet we have lost, and are losing, fundamental liberties at an alarming pace. In Australia free speech is severely curtailed, during the ‘great covid hysteria’ the right to freedom of movement and assembly was removed and is only just being regained, and a hate driven neo-Marxist Left is trashing family rights and gunning for the Church.

Do take time to do so something the majority of people never bother doing, and have look at some of the Bills in line to be tabled in the Australian Parliament. Read what they propose, it’s guaranteed to shock you.

Make no mistake about it; the whole corona virus ‘pandemic’ was a rehearsal for what the global cabal of rich and powerful figures is planning next. Covid has been used to test how far would free people go? What liberties would they cede in order to ‘feel safe’?

Alarmingly, as March 2020 to March 2022 demonstrated, most free people will give up everything in order to ‘feel safe’.

Why can be summed in one word; Fear.

Propaganda by a complicit media sowed irrational fear and terrified many people senseless. This is deception on grand scale.

Maybe there is something to the ides of March after all…

Yet for any who wish to see, a plethora of information exists out there, from the UN-WHO to the WEF, to even Australia and NZ’s own health department ‘pandemic plans’, all indicating the masses have been duped. In true Hegelian dialectic style covid was ‘arranged’ so the political class (and the grasping bureaucracies that actually run our nations) could implement their ‘planned solution’, the theft of our personal and financial freedom.

Rulers have long sought ways to control the people and seize their wealth.

Despite all this, the majority of native born Aussies, who’ve never suffered adversity or civil conflict, don’t cherish the lifestyle they take for granted. People have actually said to us, “Australia has always had freedom; we’ve nothing to worry about”.

However such ignorant statements give cause for much concern! Especially when forcing people to either accept an experimental injection, or lose their paid employment, is something many of us never, in our worst nightmares, ever imagined would happen in Australia, or New Zealand, but it has happened, and disturbingly most people supported it happening.

The many ‘Chicken Little’s’ in accepting gross intrusion and overreach by government under the guise of ‘health emergency’, and accepting the revolting lie of ‘new normal’, have no concept of the awful precedent they’ve set.

However let’s not linger there, this encouraging video of former Captain Graham Hood interviewing former Pilot Alan Dana (sacked by Qantas) is an eye opener, and worth your making time to watch; Why jab or job mandates are illegal

There are many organisations and people fighting to not only to have all remaining covid mandates and restrictions overturned, but to have the liberties they’ve crushed restored. Check out CMN at covid medical network just one of many doing great work. Get more info at; Other News and Information sources

Doing nothing and hoping for the best is not an option. We all have to make decisions daily how to act, so whether we assert the right to freedom of speech, bodily autonomy, or employment, or uphold the right to trial by jury of ones peers, as opposed to trial by social media (the howling ‘pack’). Or stop using your plastic card /cell phone and use cash instead, so as to uphold the right to transact without being tracked and monitored.

We can all choose to do those things that uphold justice and liberty.

For anyone who thinks you’ve no rights now, or that it’s not worth taking a stand, watch this short thought-provoking video. Warning — here be dragons — contains oppressive themes and bad language; AustZealand 2025 — Is this really the future you want?

As the Canadian Truckers Convoy and the convoys to Canberra made plain, people who’re prepared to unite and stand strong do have power!

Everyone who stands for truth and justice helps to ensure good things continue to happen in our great country.


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