Liberty Herald
7 min readNov 25, 2022


Director Identification Number — The Facts

In 2021 the Corporations Act was amended to require all company directors in Australia to have a Director Number. It involves registering personal information and ‘proving identity’ to receive a 15 digit identification number. This number will remain with the person for life, and is fully portable.

This obligation takes effect as of 30 November 2022.

Note the term fully portable, this in fact means the number can be used anywhere in the world. Now why on earth would you need that from an Australian number? Why? Because it is not an Australian number, it’s a global number you cannot escape.

Let that sink in for a moment…

Now ask yourself this, if it’s beginning with directors, and people are meekly swallowing the horse dung of its alleged necessity, just who do you think it’s coming for next?

Sounds harmless some say, others mumble something about ‘preventing fraud’, and in voicing such utter bat poo, mumble they ought. To be blunt if anyone believes such excuses they are a simpleton of the lowest order.

A global number, that tags and tracks a person for life, constitutes a abuse of fundamental human liberty. People wake up!

What is meant by the Director Identification Number being a global number? In this instance it is an ISO number.

For those unfamiliar with ISO this is the International Organization for Standardization. It’s a scheme of the morally bankrupt grossly corrupt United Nations. ISO is based in Geneva Switzerland, and its global numbering system under the ‘Quality Assurance’ framework, is something we studied in the 1990’s.

ISO has been around for seven decades, quietly working on a system to number, tag, and monitor everything on earth.

Myself and many others have warned for ages, how seemingly benign technologies are being subverted by increasingly authoritarian governments, with the aim of subjugating and oppressing all peoples of the world.

This is no conspiracy theory; throughout human history empires/authorities have long sought to control and enslave, and because western peoples have not bothered to learn the principles of democracy, nor cared to, they have lost their democracies.

What should we do?

Well unless you have an already established healthy functional community in a secure location — far outside the wicked systems of Babylon — that we can all flee to, unfortunately options are rather limited.

The first option is, and always is, resist — resist evil. Wicked men advance when good men do nothing. It is never the intelligent or right response, to bow to the edifices of Babylon.

Yes of course resistance may involve exclusion from aspects of society (remember during the Covid hysteria anyone?) Resistance, and even just refusal to participate, may result in persecution too, but this is nothing new, sadly the faithful have always faced that.

It really comes to this; will you stand for righteousness truth justice and liberty? Or will you join the worlds torrent as it convorts on a mad rush down the broad path to sure destruction?

Try not to have a Director ID at all, but if you must have one:

It is strongly suggested you do NOT make the application online. Instead make the application over the telephone by calling the Australian Business Registry (ABRS). What you may not know is that you can also make the application using a paper form, a form you can request by calling the ABRS. However, you will be ‘encouraged’ to apply online, so it will require creativity and persistence on your part to insist on use of regular/analogue methods. To avoid the trApp.

You are being lured by grand ruse into entering an online trap. Make no mistake, the electronic technology employed during the covid hysteria, such as ‘check-in app’ and ‘vaccine passport’, was a test run, a ‘proof of concept’ of how to impose the even more advanced tech, of the digital prison intended to confine and control all you do.

One day that piece of plastic you wave or swipe suddenly won’t pay for your food. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.

Why are you being coerced into applying online? One; to force you into setting up and having a Digital ID through MyGovID, (Note; mygovID / digital ID / is voluntary by the way, for now at least you do not have to have one!) and Two; to entice you (by the word candy of ‘it’s quicker’) into downloading the MyGov ID app onto your mobile device.

Note: Digital ID forms the basis of ‘social credit’, which is designed to monitor and control everything you do. To learn more about social credit click; Digital ID and Social Credit

If you take the MyGovID trApp on your device, you will help make it ever more difficult for those of us seeking to oppose tyranny, to continue to stand against the rising tide of evil.

WARNING, if you do download MyGov ID app, interlinked with Digital ID, you will never be able to not have it, as it will then become your only way of interfacing with government online. Meaning, even if you change devices, you will still have to have the trApp.

If all that sounds alarming, or excessive, that’s because it’s meant to, it is! The App (and it isn’t the only one) uses advanced surveillance and tracking tech, that will integrate with other systems on your mobile device, to also ‘harvest’ other information about you, the kind of details about you, you wouldn’t give out if you were aware about it.

Do at least listen to this as coming from someone who builds high specification computers, engineers networks and systems, installs operates and tests software, we well know how incredible tech can be and is being used for evil.

Are you wondering why things in society suddenly seem to have gone off the charts crazy? — It’s because the insidious Marxist-Zionist long-march through the institutions to overthrow and destroy western society, the very society that enables the daily life you lead, is almost complete.

Important: You do NOT have to set-up the MyGov Digital ID to either; a) use MyGov, or b) apply for a Director ID number, and you do not have to have the MyGov app on your device. Your Director number can be post mailed to you. (Information correct at the time of writing)

It cannot be stated any clearer, Do NOT download, have, or use the MyGovID trApp

Now for the naysayers and the persistently dense, there is no use saying inane things such as “they already have our information” as an excuse not to stand and resist, of course ‘they’ have much of our information, the statement misses the point. ‘They’ are getting more information / power because people are voluntarily giving it to them.

It is very unwise, through careless or thoughtless actions, to empower grasping organisations, that seek power and control, to enable them to take information from, for example, driver licences, and combine that with other information they ordinarily wouldn’t have access to, so they can continue constructing the Digital prison they intend enclosing us all in.

This is not about fear, but applying wisdom. There is no use saying “we must live properly” and then acting foolishly.

Yes there may be little we can do to resist, but that is not an argument to surrender, to not resist, to not stand at all. If the salt loses its saltiness how shall it be resalted?

This doesn’t just affect individuals only either, this impacts on many organisations too.

There is rapidly coming a time when many not-for-profit organisations of principle, particularly churches, will need to decide whether they follow Almighty God, or the god of this world Satan. Most churches did not stand against covid tyranny, they meekly caved into it, and in some cases, shockingly, even helped enforce it! By cancelling public worship many churches obeyed the unfounded, morally unlawful directives of Babylon, rather than obey and worship Almighty God.

As darkness and evil grows across the earth, many churches will have to decide whether incorporation, insurances, and ‘safety compliance’ etc., are most important, or whether return to an NT style of church is, where believers met from home to home, in an organic natural environment, that most of us prefer anyway. None of these will be easy decisions to make.

However the call is clear, we must stand for righteousness, to do the next right thing.

Thankfully all is not lost, yet, there are still many people and organisations fighting the ominous push to impose a complete surveillance and control system over all of our daily activities, through a ‘social credit’ system.

Such people include a handful of brave Senators and MP’s, to name a few; Pauline Hanson, Matt Canavan, Alex Antic, Malcom Roberts, and Mark Latham. They need to be encouraged for their courageous stand.

Finally, do not listen to any mainstream media, it is nothing but a lie machine, and its constant deceptions mean that the average Australian is not only ignorant of the real state of their nation, but they’re ignorant of the real state of the world.

Always seek alternative sources of information, believe nothing this world declares, research and verify everything.

Other News and Information sources

Please share this with anyone you know who is required to have a Director ID number.


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(PS if any website link provided doesn’t work, check back soon)




Video — Don’t let this be the future!

