Candidate Summary, Groom Electorate

Liberty Herald
5 min readMay 7, 2022

Summary of candidates by surname, ordered alphabetically

ABRAHAM, Grant — One Nation, led by resolute Pauline Hanson, the party has a chequered history and their policies were once off the cuff and impractical, but they have improved. Mrs Hanson declares it’s a party that stands for Australia and Australian values. Saying, “We defend our constitution and stand up against global agendas for the individual rights and fundamental freedoms of all Australians”. She backs this up by her words and deeds in parliament, she supports major reform to the broken family law court system, is against lockdowns, jab mandates, and online surveillance. One Nation is dedicated to preserving the economy supporting resource sector, preventing the loss of prime Australian agricultural land to foreign ownership, limiting immigration to sustainable levels, and is one of very few party’s that is pro-life and opposes the ‘abortion up to birth’ laws as recently passed by many States.

ALLPASS, Gen — Labor, have abandoned their core principles and are no longer the party of the working class. Anthony Albanese is the current leader, a centre-left pretender who is actually on the hard-left and holds a radical ‘climate’ agenda. Labor fully backs the nation destroying lunacy of ‘net zero’. Labor means a Carbon Tax, and that will make all your cost of living expenses rise dramatically. Labor’s lacklustre campaign thus far, and Albanese gaffes, all indicate economic incompetence, and not being up to running the nation. Furthermore, if Labor wins government, the ‘mean girls’ Penny Wong, Katy Gallagher, and Kristina Keneally, who bullied the (late) beautiful Kimberly Kitching to great distress (allegations the mean girls deny) would be elevated to holding front bench portfolios, which is unacceptable. These are nationally vital roles they neither have the character nor expertise to hold.

BANNISTER Melissa — United Australia, led by Clive Palmer, who makes headline grabbing policy claims, such as the impossible “we’ll limit your mortgage interest rate to 3%”. Mr Palmer declares Liberal and Labor are failing to address the trillion dollars of national debt, and that it’s crazy Australia has the world’s largest deposits of uranium, and exports uranium to other nations for them to take advantage of, but we ban its use in Australia for electricity generation. United Australia says it believes in the most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy — freedom of speech and religion, freedom from fear, and freedom of association. Mr Palmer is concerned about foreign ownership, that Chinese Government companies are seeking control over hundreds of square kilometres of Western Australia, on top of their having a military grade landing strip there.

BERRY, Mickey — Greens, in word and deed they show they hate Australia, hate free speech and freedom of religion. They want the lunacy of ‘net zero’ by 2030! They have a policy to close our economy-supporting mining sector, which will ruin the nation. They’re already forcing closure of vital electricity generation. (Power prices are rising as base-load power generators aren’t just being closed but being demolished!) Greens claim animals have more rights than people, they fully back the abortion up to birth laws as recently passed by many States, and they want more illicit drug injection rooms. They seek to sexualise our children, to push more gender ‘fluidity’ on them, and have boys access the toilets used by little girls. Alarming? Yes, but that’s only the start of green perversion.

HAMILTON, Garth — Liberal, the LNP have also abandoned core principles, and are no longer the party as founded by Menzies. Many people are disappointed with PM Morrison’s lack of leadership, and weakness in being too ready to be sorry when ‘woke’ bigots make accusations. Broken LNP promises, particularly as regards to amending free speech and religious freedom provisions, and their backflip in accepting the nation destroying lunacy of ‘net zero’, has alienated many voters. Then there’s appalling Liberal hypocrisy over the States harsh covid rules and jab mandates. (A full scope Royal Commission must be held into government overreach, and oppressive ‘covid public health orders’) On top of that the LNP has two awful pieces of legislation ready to launch in 2022, the dangerous Digital ID bill and the Information Censorship bill, giving ACMA more power to decide what you see and hear.

HOLT, Suzie — Independent, is a self-proclaimed Independent candidate who doesn’t declare any real policies. Holt has been endorsed by the organisation Voices of Groom, a rather vague group, that whilst saying its “concerned about issues that affect the people of Groom”, doesn’t seem to stand for much at all. But all isn’t as it seems, and this is where it gets very interesting, as apparently Holt herself founded Voices of Groom, basing it on the ‘Voices of’ movements that arose in Sydney to challenge safe LNP seats. (The extremist climate lobby have their sticky fingers all over Sydney Voices) Plus, according to The Saturday Paper, Holt held a Voices of Groom function to which Extinction Rebellion devotees were invited and attended. These are the extremists who tie and glue themselves in most inconvenient places, causing disruption for ordinary people, due to their devout belief in a fanatical cult that says the world is about to end because of humans. Holt is recorded as saying “we need real climate action”, indicating her politics.

OTTO Ryan — Australian Federation Party, formerly the Country Alliance party in Victoria, it describes itself as a freedom party committed to listening to the voice of the Australian people. It says it upholds the democratic rights of the people, and parliamentary accountability to the people. They seek to restrict the massive power a few corporations hold in Australia, and want to see more manufacturing and self-sufficiency, instead of reliance on overseas products. Australian Federation also see the urgent need to reform the broken Family Law system, and they want to improve education standards and enable parents to have more oversight of their child’s education. They support a national Bill of Rights, have broad animal welfare policy, and in terms of defence want Australia to have a neutral non-interventionist foreign policy.

SMOLENSKI, Kirstie — Independent, is also a self-proclaimed Independent who doesn’t declare any real policies. She is also connected with Voices of Groom, and uses a similar teal green to the Climate200 ‘fake independents’. In speeches Smolenski reveals her Green-Left politics. However she claims to be a true independent, (i.e. not a Climate200 ‘independent). Even so, Smolenski states “real action must be taken on climate change” (but concerningly doesn’t say what that is) She uses almost identical language to Holt, and oddly for a candidate seeking equity in politics, she is very open in her criticism of LNP members, but praise of ALP.

Smolenski declares support for the IPCC (despite its alarmist climate predictions being wildly inaccurate, even false) and she backs the Climate Council of Australia, led by none other than climate fanatic Tim Flannery. He’s the cheery chap that terrified a generation of school children, with his alarmist ‘permanent drought’ claim that it would never rain again, and our dams would never fill again.

Here in 2022 dams are full with water, from rain. ‘Who’d have thunk it’.

On the surface Holt and Smolenski do appear to be independent, but their activities and records show their politics is green-Left. This indicates that if the election results in a hung parliament, Holt and Smolenski will likely back Labor, who need the Greens in order to form government, which means a Green- Labor government for Australia. This would be disastrous for the nation, for us all.

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