Battle for Truth

Liberty Herald
10 min readMar 24, 2023

Welcome to Liberty Herald, a light in a dark place. Here we reject conspiracy theories, and accept facts instead. We interrogate false ‘narratives’, expose frauds, and engage in the contest of ideas. We proclaim truth to combat lies.

Today a battle is raging, a battle most people cannot see, and even for many who can, they choose to ignore it. What is it? It is the battle for truth, and very powerful forces are using the news media system to suppress truth and disseminate lies and deception, and they’re doing this at such a huge volume and intensity, that it has become very difficult to find the truth, in amongst the lies.

Sadly most of the church which should be a bastion of righteousness and truth, instead contains religious people with no conviction, consequently it has abdicated responsibility to be salt and light, and instead joined hands with this wicked world. However a tiny minority who are faithful and righteous, do remain, and they do pursue truth.

How often have you heard it said “society has gone mad”? You’ve probably said it yourself, and it certainly appears that way, but make no mistake, it is no coincidence. Every crazy, ludicrous, and perverse thing you see is by design. Here are just a few;

  • Gender identity — teens and adults in crisis about who they are. In some jurisdictions a person can legally identify as the opposite gender, with no surgical alterations. Plus there is the push to allow people to change their birth gender on a birth-certificate!
  • Transgender activism — hate filled vitriolic transgender extremists shout foul abuse at women (simply for their declaring what a woman is, when our politicians won’t) These activists also promote the revolting lie of ‘women with penises’.
  • Civil violence — violent hate-group Antifa, and its many offshoots; GetUp, Extinction Rebellion, BLM, Stop Oil, the list goes on, cause disruption everywhere. The lying media declares the Capitol Hill event of 6-Jan-21 was an ‘insurrection’, when the real insurrection is Antifa’s multi-city violence and carnage, especially Antifa’s ‘Seattle Exclusion Zone’)
  • Womens lib/the toxic feminist movement — was never about ‘liberating’ women, but enslaving women to the lie that wife/mother = oppressed, but working for an employer = liberated. It is about dividing men and women, breaking marriages and family, and justifying mass slaughter by abortion, all to reduce the number of live births. (Which it’s done very successfully in the West)
  • School indoctrination — radical homosexual and promiscuity teaching to children through programs such as ‘Safe Schools’ and many others. Those of us who warned, well over a decade ago, how corrupt these were, were mocked by some people… many of the same now deal with the consequences of their seriously disturbed child / young adult.
  • Racism — the Left is obsessed about skin colour, about dividing us by colour, it’s why you hear ‘colour’ on the media, constantly. The corrosive evil of CRT has permeated our education system, the media, and government with its sordid lie that dark skin = oppressed, and light skin = oppressor. The Left loves to divide people along contrived delineations.
  • Climate change — formally called global warming, until people started to see through the lies. That it’s not about the environment, it’s all about money, colossal, huge piles of it! However through constant propaganda people have been terrified witless (especially children) by the lie that ‘climate’ is about to end the world, and now are willing to sacrifice their nation.

In pure Hegellian style every one of these is a fabricated ‘problem’, and the pre-planned solutions are even worse! More control by government, more censorship, more laws inhibiting liberty, more restriction on free speech, less freedom overall. Conservatives are slandered as ‘phobic’, questioners as deniers, and any who disagree with the new order are cancelled. The aim is; separate people from family ties, put them under pressure, deceive and break them by lies, and then they’re easily lured into the cold grip and control of the State.

End goal? The planned subjugation and destruction of Western civilisation, and ruination of free society based on Christian principles and the family. Looking around it is plain to see that agenda rapidly coming to fruition. Do you really think it’s an accident that government policy discourages the nuclear family and accelerates its decline? That a child via a mobile device, can now access the most vile filth on the internet? Or that people are taking on ever more debt, and most will now be enslaved to a bank for life?

Behind every ill, every corruption, every just law overturned or statue you see being torn down, behind everything you see being destroyed there is an agenda, all controlled by a powerful manipulative global cabal with more tentacles than the ancient Medusa.

However, at this some readers are beginning to yawn and switch off, why? Because the last few decades of conditioning by news media lies, and films (movies) that deliberately falsify history, means most people now dismiss and ridicule the facts and realities of the world, as ‘conspiracy theory’. So sharp has this been honed in the average person by propaganda, most are now blind to reality.

But don’t switch off, come on a journey, to pull back the curtain and see hidden things, but Warning, from here on be dragons.

You are being lied to. The news media is a giant lie production machine, most ‘news’ is either concocted, or content ‘modified’ and distorted to influence opinion, deceive, and herd people into courses of action they wouldn’t engage in ordinarily. For example, your Facebook feeds, as with most social media now, are virtually total fabrications. Sure a little truth is sprinkled in occasionally, to assure you all is fine, but reality is FB manipulates users by controlling what is seen. You enable FB to do this very effectively, by the constant stream of information about your internet use and interests you give FB, by not having proper internet security settings.

“He who controls the past controls the future” and social media is being used to misdirect, deceive, reshape opinion, influence, coerce, and thus control people. They want the public to remain unintelligent and easily manipulable. Who are they? Read on.

Did you know that the worlds major news outlets are controlled by one organisation? That even in the west, our ‘independent’ media outlets are either controlled by that organisation, or receive the bulk of their ‘news’ from that one source? Not possible you say? Tempted to dismiss that with the fallacy of ‘conspiracy theory’? Then ask yourself this, why during the great covid hysteria, did all the media preach the same fear, all push the same propaganda about covid, all using the same words, all at the very same time?

It’s not only the media, the education system from primary to tertiary has been captured by the long-march through the institutions. For the most part children, your child, are no longer being educated they are being indoctrinated, with far-Left ideology and activism. (Look at the climate & gender garbage being pushed) It is said the victor gets to write history, and our education and media systems are clearly controlled by cultural Marxism, we’re told their propaganda, their view of history. Not the facts, or the world as it is.

The battle for truth is raging, the enemy is working feverishly to harvest souls, and the first step is by capturing hearts and minds.

The real inconvenient truth is this; the Communists now control our government, the bureaucracy, and the institutions. We now have what may be called; “democratic communism”. This is where we have the spectacle of democracy, but lack the substance of. For anyone still in doubt about this, look at the ludicrous obsession the media and Left of politics has with ‘Nazis’. In what’s a pattern now, when a conservative politician looks close to a win, suddenly it seems, there’s a ‘Nazi’ scandal, and this slur is invoked to take them down.

The NSW premier was slandered about a stage prop ‘Nazi’ uniform, apparently worn as a youngster, in a grubby act of dirt-digging to prevent his re-election. Now a politician in Communist Victoria looks set to be thrown out of the Liberal party, because she attended a womens’ rally, (protesting the scandal of men being able to be present in womens’ showers and toilets) where allegedly she knew someone, who allegedly had a link to a ‘neo-Nazi’.

What a stitch up. Fact; the Left hate KJ Keen who led the rally, probably because she can describe what a woman is! And let’s be clear these ‘neo-Nazi’s’, as seen on telly, are a bunch of attention seekers with abhorrent views, and it’s highly likely many are Antifa activists, dressed up as the popular caricature of ‘Nazi’, to maintain the media optics.

The media went into a feeding frenzy about it all of course, but remember who owns that media. The real problem is many politicians and others are so weak and gutless they’re terrified of being slandered with ‘Nazi’. Which is not only absurd, but outrageous, when the hateful views and malicious violence of Antifa is far worse than any alleged ‘neo-Nazi’ . If justice was upheld and the media telling truth, politicians would be terrified of links with Antifa!

Why are so many politicians on the right so cowardly, and not standing for truth?

Here’s a question to dismantle this lunacy about ‘Nazis’. Who is the worst mass murderer of the last one hundred years? Now how many of you just thought of a man who surname begins with H? Rather too many it seems.

Yet Adolf Hitler is not the worst killer, not even close. Interesting facts are emerging as secret WWII files are declassified. For example, at the Nürnberg trial it was found that of thousands of German documents, none refers to any policy or program ordering extermination of Jews. Yet the press reported the opposite, why? Significantly, Hitler wasn’t even a ‘Nazi’, he didn’t use the term, it wasn’t the name of his party, nor did he call his colleagues that. ‘Nazi’ is a made up phrase (by one paper in particular) a slur, on par with ‘racist’, ‘homophobe’, ‘denier’, and ‘anti-Semite’, they serve to slander, intimidate, and silence.

For decades we’ve repeatedly been told a narrative, repeatedly been shown images of ‘massacres’ and of ‘Nazi’s’, by the film industry and media. Yet your author has been to alleged former death camps, and was disturbed to discover things that do not match the propaganda we’ve long been told.

At that, the haters are in a frenzy, busy concocting a slur to smear your author, so let’s be very clear, we are not defending ‘Nazis’ here, rather we are making the very plain point that most of what has been taught us is a fabrication, designed to shape our view of history and the present. What we’ve been taught about WWII is one of the biggest lies of all.

It is overdue to interrogate all we’ve been taught. As how come nearly 80 years after WWII ended, our allegedly ‘independent’ media outlets are still banging on about Hitler?! Yet they’re silent about the well-documented crimes of the most horrific Communist mass murderers of all time?

There are no constant films of Pol Pot or Idi Amin atrocities, and little to nothing of the atrocities of the mass murdering Communist Mao. Worse still the media and film industry is criminally silent about the horrendous atrocities committed by the worst mass murderer in the last 100 years; Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, a leading Bolshevik Communist.

Why this silence?

Why when the Communists have caused more human misery and suffering, and committed more mass slaughter than anyone in history. Stalin is possibly the worst mass slaughterer ever, yet not one reader will have named him when asked who is.

So again ask, why does this general ignorance about his atrocities exist?

Someone who was there gives the answer. “You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators”. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

And how the Communists persecuted him for revealing that! Is it coincidence that so many who speak out against them wind up in big trouble, dragged through the courts, imprisoned, or dead?

So now you know, ‘they’ are the Communists, and the cleverest thing they’ve done is to convince people they no longer exist! Particularly since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, they’ve made people think they disappeared! That one night in a puff of red smoke they all just vanished. Not on your nelly, not a chance. All they did was disperse around the world and join the long march elsewhere, mostly in the so called ‘Christian west’, which they hate with a demoniac passion, and their goal is to destroy us.

Just as termites destroy a building from the inside, so cultural Marxism has infiltrated and rotted everything. This is why we’re seeing society seemingly ‘suddenly’ crumble, yet in reality it’s the culmination of many years of just laws being overturned, and rampant moral degradation being encouraged. As Marx said “Communism abolishes all morality”. And no morality equates to a ruined society.

Too simplistic, you say, that everything can be traced to one source? Space does not allow the listing here, of all the myriad evidences that it can be, but Nahum Goldmann’s statement clearly reveals their agenda. “Destruction of the old order of society, so construction of the new order can occur, and imposition of a global monolithic new world order”.

The draconian restrictions and mandates during the Covid panic were our very plain warning about this looming new order and ‘the system’ to be imposed. Alarmingly most people are carrying what has now become a dangerous device, yet most remain blithely unaware.

You have two choices now, rather like what Morpheus offered Neo in the Matrix; take the blue pill the story ends, you wake up in your bed and remain in ignorance. Or, take the red pill you stay awake, and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Which are you going to take?

Hopefully this has stimulated you to think about the battle for truth, in the midst of great wickedness, to really think about what sort of society you want to live in, and what can be done to resist injustice, and how righteousness truth and justice can be restored.


Liberty Herald “That truth, justice, and liberty shall prevail”

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